

1. This can be a short section of a ________ or other DNA element that are used to hybridize a cDNA or cRNA sample (called target) under high-stringency conditions

Gene Protein genetics evolution


2.It is critical that information about the sample preparation and handling is discussed, in order to help identify the independent units in the experiment and to avoid inflated estimates of ________

Multiple comparisons Confidence interval Statistical significance Statistical hypothesis testing

3. Many important links can be found at the ________

Life (magazine)    Jim Barksdale Time Warner Open Directory Project


4. In standard microarrays, the probes are attached via surface engineering to a solid surface by a ________ to a chemical matrix (via epoxy-silane, amino-silane, lysine, polyacrylamide or others)

Metallic bond chemical bond Covalent bond aromativcity

5. The two Cy-labeled cDNA samples are mixed and hybridized to a single microarray that is then scanned in a microarray scanner to visualize fluorescence of the two fluorophores after excitation with a ________ beam of a defined wavelength

helium laser            X-ray laser application


6. Microarray data processing using ________ tutorial

Generative topographic map Artificial intelligence Artificial neural network Artificial neural network

7. Products and Services for Gene Expression at the ________

Jim Barksdale Life (magazine) Open Directory Project time


8.The solid surface can be ________ or a silicon chip, in which case they are commonly known as gene chip or colloquially Affy chip when an Affymetrix chip is used.

Borosilicate glass glass MACOR cranberry glass


9. The use of miniaturized microarrays for gene expression profiling was first reported in 1995[and a complete eukaryotic genome (________) on a microarray was published in 1997.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae fungus       protein yeast


10. DNA microarrays can be used to detect DNA (as in comparative genomic hybridization, or detect RNA (most commonly as cDNA after ________that may or may not be translated into proteins.

Thymidine kinase Reverse transcriptase Integrase Glucokinase